Trapped in a cabin, Ash and his girlfriend Linda must fend off the evil that lurks in the woods. Evil Dead 2 turns the grossness levels up to 11 in this horror comedy sequel/reboot that will terrify you while making you laugh at the same time.
This review is part of the 31 films of Halloween review series
Evil Dead 2 is just as strange a film as the first installment. While this film might be called Evil Dead 2, it’s actually a reboot of the first film and ignores the events of Evil Dead completely.
Why have they done this? Budgets for one thing. The first film was made on a shoestring budget of under $500,000 and it grossed over $2 million worldwide on its initial release which is a heck of a return on the investment.
Director: Sam Raimi
Stars: Bruce Campbell, Sarah Berry, Dan Hicks, Kassie Wesley DePaiva
Katy’s Rating: 6/10 – Fair