This review is part of the 31 Films For Halloween Series Frankenweenie is an animated Disney movie based on a 1984 short (live action) film by Tim Burton. The film is a stop-motion animation in the same style as A Nightmare Before Christmas and it’s easy to see that they inhabit the same universe, although Frankenweenie is in black and white (as an homage to the 1931 film Frankenstein) unlike A Nightmare Before Christmas’ which has an interesting colour palette. Victor is a lonely boy who doesn’t have many friends, his one true friend is his dog Sparky who Victor…
This review is part of the 31 Films For Halloween Series
Frankenweenie is an animated Disney movie based on a 1984 short (live action) film by Tim Burton.
The film is a stop-motion animation in the same style as A Nightmare Before Christmas and it’s easy to see that they inhabit the same universe, although Frankenweenie is in black and white (as an homage to the 1931 film Frankenstein) unlike A Nightmare Before Christmas’ which has an interesting colour palette.
Victor is a lonely b…
Director: Tim Burton
Stars: Catherine O’Hara, Martin Short, Martin Landau, Charlie Tahan
Katy’s Rating: 7/10 – Good