The murder of a Nun causes ripples that cross a community – and time. Who killed Sister Cathy? Was it a robbery gone wrong or a sinister cover-up perpetrated by the church she loved?
The Keepers is a Netflix documentary series that was first released in 2017 but has been kept under the radar, I think in part thanks to the hugely successful Making A Murderer series. This is a shame as it’s a truly compelling documentary that is certainly worth looking at – especially if you liked Making A Murderer.
The 7 part series follows two former school friends, Gemma and Abbie as they look into the unsolved murder of one of their teachers, Cathy Cesnik. The problem is that this murde…
Director: Ryan White
Stars: Gemma Hoskins, Abbie Schaub
Katy’s Rating: 8/10 – Great